Philanthropy Has Taken a Big Interest in Narrative Change Strategies. Is It Paying Off?



In September 2022, the Convergence Partnership released the first-ever report to focus exclusively on the funding of narrative change, Funding Narrative Change, An Assessment and Framework.

Inside Philanthropy covered the report and the questions the sector is grappling with around funding narrative change, and the long-term proposition of funding this strategy for social change.

“In the long haul, funders’ enthusiasm for narrative change is probably a good thing, reflecting a more candid acknowledgement of the social sector’s role as an arbiter of values in a divided, quarrelsome society.

For progressive funders, though, this report makes it clear that the challenges facing narrative work run parallel to those facing progressive philanthropy writ large — determining what qualifies as “expertise,” shifting to a long-term outlook, getting wide-ranging priorities and strategies in sync, and navigating between the need to channel community voices and pursue top-down goals.”

Read the full article with subscription at Inside Philanthropy.