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Power of Podcasting: A Guide to Reimagine Grant Reporting



In 2020, Convergence Partnership provided flexible Covid rapid response grants to support the organizing, advocacy, and narrative transformation efforts of 19 grassroots organizations and coalitions. The Partnership’s commitment to equitable and responsive grantmaking practices and elevating community voices, led us to streamline and reimagine our grantmaking application and reporting requirements. We did not require grantees to submit any final written reports. Instead, grantees were offered the option to have their work documented through locally produced podcast episodes.

This guide shares how-to tips and advice for funders who want to support communities to tell their stories, in their own words, through podcasting.

The guide was produced after working with Working Narratives, the Partnership’s narrative transformation consultants, in our first series of podcasts. Working Narratives collaborated with teams of local audio producers, Convergence Partnership grantees and their community partners, and media artists to produce the Convergence Partnership Podcast Series in 2021.

The series features community leaders and organizers from the San Joaquin Valley and across the state of California; Kansas City, Missouri; Louisiana; Chicago; and Buffalo, New York. The podcasts provided a platform for grantees to showcase the voices and leadership of their organizers, coalition members, and other community partners.

Each episode serves as powerful collateral material that grantees can use over and over again to highlight their successes and stories.