
Chicago is home to a movement for equitable transit-oriented development that is growing with local and national resources flowing in to support economic development in communities of color. It is essential for people of color and communities often excluded from decision-making, to direct how these resources are used and how development happens in their communities.
Founded in 2017 through a grant from the Strong, Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC), Elevated Chicago is a coalition of community-based people of color led organizations, CDFIs, civic partners, and other institutions advancing equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD).
Funding from Convergence Partnership is helping Elevated Chicago advance their ongoing community-based ETOD projects. This includes developing new physical structures like an apartment complex and a community center near two transit stations, a new community land trust to support resident retention, as well as developing the first justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) cohort for local governmental culture change and capacity building for City of Chicago leaders. They have also launched new investments to develop and implement community-led arts and culture initiatives, including cross-site arts demonstrations that increase collaboration across neighborhoods.