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Unveiling Our Theory of Change: Convergence Partnership’s Vision for Racial Justice & Health Equity

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We’re excited to share Convergence Partnership’s Theory of Change—a roadmap guiding our journey towards health equity and racial justice. Rooted in our 2020 strategy shift, this vision places our work at the nexus point of racial justice and health equity and has shaped our collective efforts over the past three years. This Theory of Change underscores our collective aspirations and serves as a reminder of the transformative power we wield together.

A Note of Gratitude, Holding Hope for What’s Ahead

We are coming to the end of another year, one that was filled with heartache, loss, frustration, exhaustion, and pain. And at the same time, there is hope witnessing and experiencing the deep solidarity and collective strength of communities coming together. Read more from Executive Director Amanda Navarro, on Convergence’s year and commitments to a future where the resources and influence of philanthropy are fully aligned to the priorities of people at the frontlines of injustice.

Rejecting the Shiny New Thing

At the turn of a new year, we often think about having a fresh start. Executive Director Amanda Navarro shares what is ahead in 2023 for Convergence Partnership, embracing the opportunity and responsibility to remain committed to partners on the frontlines, and not to backslide to philanthropy’s old habits.

2021 Unity Summit Spark Talk

Amanda Navarro, Executive Director of Convergence Partnership, presented a Spark Talk at the Change Philanthropy 2021 Unity Summit entitled: “Investing in Power Building for Racial Justice through Multifunder Collaboratives: The Convergence Partnership”.

Getting Ahead of Lead in Western New York

Cover image for Story on Buffalo

The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo is working alongside their grassroots partners to apply a racial equity analysis and support community organizing to elevate the voices and experiences of community residents of color, and address lead in housing.

Partnership Announces New Vision to Amplify People Power for Racial Justice and Health Equity

After 14 years of work as a pioneering national funder collaborative focused on health equity, we are excited to announce the reset of the Convergence Partnership grounded in a new vision and strategic direction. We come into this new year with a renewed sense of purpose and ready to do the work needed to realize our new North Star vision of racial justice and health equity.